Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Town.

Thought I would share some photos of my home town.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is a Little Story about the Little Series:

I will update this very soon.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Video: Christmas 2007'... by SDP

I have over 15 videos on the drawing board, 7 started on production, 3 near completion and 1 ready for uploading to Youtube, but AT THE MOMMENT, no real plans for a Christmas Special.

If any of my followers have any suggestions for a Theme for this Year's Video, please mail me.

I would like to share some ideas with some others that share the Christmas Spirit and are fed up with selfish Drivers. What would this year's Video be like or will there be one at all?

We will find out soon enough. Come on feed back!


YouTube goes WIDE SCREEN.

What Does this mean and how will it effect the future of SDP?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Another Blast from the Past!

From time to time I am going to post a classic video from the early days. This particular video was one of the most fun to create. I Winged the entire clip. Produced it in about 2 hours. Made up the song as I went with it. I used Adobe PhotoShop for most of the crude animations. Recorded the voice track seperately but at the same time. A really fun learning experience. This video is full of typo's. I really was putting out videos left and right and really didn't take the time to review and police my grammer. Those were some really fun times though.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Whats New and Improved for 2009...

Ocala's Most Wanted Bad Drivers Face Lift:

All in all, "The Wanted Series" has earned it's stay of execution. After being on the hit list for the last couple of months, a last second decision actually kept this show afloat.
I started getting a bunch of E-mails now that Video Text Comments are no longer permitted on Youtube. A great portion of this messages are from fans of SDP & The Ocala's Most Wanted Bad Driver Series. I never knew that so many people religiously watch the series waiting to find one of their friends or collages in the latest feature.
Most of the Text Comments I received were hate and childish name calling slurs, maybe that's why there were so little positive comments being left because of fear that these thugs would follow the positive comments back to the contributors page.

The Mission of the Series is still the same... point out and expose the Vehicular Thugs whom are pillaging or City's Streets. The Series is more or less going to be displayed in the current styles my latest creations have evolved to. Each video I make is still uniquely different and the differences are suttle when comparing them to last month, but from the first days.
As time goes on, I promise you, Things will get very interesting. Stick around and Grow with me and SDP.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

See "Spoof City".

A new direction. A new begining,
for Safe Driver Productions.
In the next few weeks, I will be branching out.
Breaking the mold and creating material unlike anything
seen so far. Time to make so many more changes without that negitive oposition, more concentration in the editing room has been present.

Tales From The Tailpipe,
Bad Drivers Are About A Dime A Dozen,

came along in a branch of ideas related with television style story lining. I have become bored with the channels direction and was ready for change.
Three videos have been produced recently with a new experimental format. I have a couple more similar videos airing soon enough to be able to maybe choose which video could become the next Youtube Series. Maybe even let the public decide which video could be put into production. Combinations, subtractions. That is what the drawing board is all about. Who knows where or what direction of tomorrows style videos are going but I know how and where they came from.

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Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket



Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rejected from Youtube


Oddly enough that this quickly manufactured presentation

would turn into a major pain in the neck.

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Photobucket Photobucket

The saga continues but not without argument. This little production is a response in a sort to some recent opposition. A small group is claiming to have found out my identity and are planning to create a video exposing me, in all my glory. As humbling as that may sound, I am not really a bit concerned in anyway at this point. If in fact, so be it. Bring it on. I have been dealing with petty threats for some time and this is only another grain of salt to me.

This video is a bit of scattered thoughts a long with a couple of cubes of sarcasm. For one, displaying my discontent for mass negative feedback. Replacing the permission to place individual comments with only a small icon overlay of the general public's opinion with the brat kid pissing on SDP. Why beat around the bush. Give them want they want I suppose.


Version number 2 of SDP T.V. was rejected from Youtube because of copyright infringement on the main audio track. Which was a total shocker to me. Tons of videos of that particular Manson song are all over Youtube. This has caused the sound track to be changed to be able to upload it to safedriverpro on Youtube. I change the Marilyn Manson song... "Disposable Teens" to "A-of When" by Living Colour. The video was synchronized to the first song so there are a couple awkward moments in my opinion, at certain points during the presentation.
I am for now displaying for a short period, the banned video here on my blog, along with the new edited version. So you can decide which one you prefer. You can tell me which one you prefer by answering the poll located on the right side of this blog.

Here is the REJECTED VERSION of SDP T.V. Video Magazine which was rejected from Youtube on October 25th 2008.

Here is the edited version...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

On a Lighter Note.

On a Lighter Note.
The future of Safe Driver Pro is not bleak. As a matter of fact some cool changes are coming.
One really cool deal is the new mounted cameras. The black & white low resolution cameras are now retired from their mission and are being replaced with more modern living color cameras. The black & whites were getting bad from Florida's sun burning spots in them. They served me well through all sorts of weather but now R.I.P. guys. Hopefully the newer versions will bring a better quality picture.
If there are any viewers that wish to send me some footage from their area, contact me and maybe we can work with it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


October 16th 2008.
Here she blows kids!
This conclusion arrived after long thought driven by deep personal feelings regarding present situations related toward oppositions. Obstacles not easily avoidable as one might think.
Before I make any more enemies, may I first say?... Thank you to all of my supporters. The one's whom have been there from day one, to the semi and most recent. Positive support was once the back bone of my drive, my quest in obtaining public awareness to a major social dilemma as far as driving their 4000 pound manufactured pile of steel on wheels is concerned.

Some of you may have already noticed, Comments are history. I am slowly deleting all forms of outside communications and planning a total underground operation. All forms of public feedback have turned into a dreaded feedback nightmare, robbing me of any kind of incentive to carry on with this half ass mission. People would rather have the right to be able to kill themselves and or their loved ones and total strangers than admit that their bad habits are reckless, and only to ignore that fact long enough to place their pointed finger at me the "Bad Guy".

All new presentations will be restricted from comments. I have been accused too many times for weeding out negative feedback as well as my associates being out of the loop of the vast amount of hate mail I receive. As well of the vulgar but not published hate comments on every video I upload.

I will now be adjusting my settings to friends contact only. Strangers will no longer be able to contact me. Zero negative contact should demolish any second thoughts towards future productions.

To even the playing field, I will be slowly deleting standing comments for future audiences will not form any opinion on behalf of few being published and others not.

The World is full of cry babies. My best defense is to ignore it all and shoot towards my goals.... without counter creative influences.
My mission will still remain of course. With the slight exception of public published response.
I will still reply to my friends and perhaps to some within private emailing. But the end of the HATE is here. The hell with the haters. May their nasty mal-parental positive influenced upbringing land them the fait waiting just around the corner. I only feel sorry for the innocent family included within the consequences of their selfish petty actions.
October 21st Two Thousand Eight.
Contrary to popular belief,

road rage safedriverpro

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Broad Shoulders


"Broad Shoulders"
You have to have Broad Shoulders I suppose when you subject yourself to public scrutiny on a volunteer basis.
This thread is just a ramble on current observations relating to my operations. There are some really bent out of shape people out there that are willing to condemn logic and fact, stand up straight and let their personal feelings exercise their right to express verbal disappointment with childish sticks and stones name calling games instead of weighing the presented case right in front of them, staring them right in the eye like a cobra would just before a kill. 90% of viewers are disappointed at my actions, not the video subjects.

How could the majority of the viewer population be magnetically drawn to be offended so much?
My latest little production was published today, a short composition of video featuring a "Wild Wild West" stretch of road on southwest 27th avenue Shady Road.

I slapped together the video in a couple hours and inserted a little plug at's public forums. Just like fishing for bream with a bread ball, the hate comments started. I am concidedered to be some what of a moron. A moron that drives around in the left lane 10 miles per hour under the speed limit, just to piss people off. Not one mentioned so far as to the problem or the drivers that are causing countless deaths in our country. The REAL PROBLEM is me.

Here is a copy of my submission to

"Something needs to be done about the A-Line, the small stretch of road on sw 27th ave Ocala between sw 34th st. and sw 42nd street ,
shady road's... "Paddock Park Expressway".
I drive thru this area quite often and seldom see any law enforcement witnessing the handful of Hooligans whom refuse to respect the safety of those sharing the road nor the laws that are designed to protect us.

S.W. 27th ave bottlenecks at S.W. 42nd st, so most drivers merge over and occupy the left lane
in anticipation of the traffic pattern change up ahead.
Stay in the right lane too long and you can get stuck there at certain times of the day. So the left lane fills up and then the action begins!

Drivers with little or no patience and a lead foot, selfishly charge up the right lane, passing as many cars as they can as if it were a contest, then bully their way into the left lane, cutting off the good drivers with inches to spare. Some run thru the light, ignoring the "Right Turn Only" signs and lines, blasting thru only to get stuck in traffic.

I have miles of video footage of these hooligans running with the mob, behaving like stark raving animals behind the wheel, operating their 4000 pound piles of steel and plastic assault weapons, right up the rear end of some poor souls family car full of children. These hooligans care about nothing but themselves. Their selfish acts are accomplishing nothing but endangering the welfare of all whom share this stretch of road. All for what? To be first in line. My families life if more important than some idiot's 2 minutes he saved.

If you are tired of these bullies taking over the roadways of Ocala, I urge you to contact our Police Department and report these renegade thoughtless motorists that are plaguing our beautiful County, and of course Ocala, The All America City... or is it... The Get out of "My Way
" City?"

I do indeed have Broad shoulders. If anything, this is a total learning experience. I have learned that most of the population appears to be selfish in choosing privacy over safety.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The "Good Drivers" Guild

The "Good Drivers" Guild.

I was starting to become bored with the typical rhetoric offered by Youtube this evening when at the very last second I stumbled upon this little gem. A video from a Newscast featuring a guy out in New Mexico snapping shots of ignorant drivers caught in the act and posting them on his blog.

I knew it! someone else out there has the balls to stand up and do something to wake up our nation of Sheeple drivers! Finally, another full blown operation that is exposing the willfulness law breaking infecting our public motorways which seems to becoming worse and worse with every generation.

People have just stopped caring, stopped giving a crap anymore. They see it as there are worse things going on in the world and driving while obeying laws and displaying common courtesy is just for ninnies and goodie 2 shoes.
The Good Drivers Guild does exist. It is small and very weak and spread out. Unorganized but in exisistance. Finding this Blog this evening was a wonderful treat to say the least.

Here is a link if you are interested in checking out this blog:

CLICK THIS PHOTO TO VISIT... Albuquerque Drivers

There are other small voices out there, but very few. I believe if more attention was brought to the table, lawmakers would step up to the plate and toughen the current driving requirements and standards.

Here is another site:



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Florida's Driver's License

Florida's Driver's License.
I couldn't agree more with these 3 Video's point of view. Something needs to be done about the current standards for Florida's Driver's License eligibility.I firmly believe that Florida has somewhat abandoned their Slogan... "Driving is a privilege, not a right." There are allot of Drivers out there that are just plain dangerous.

One example of how Florida is slacking in their responsibilities would be how Florida cowers to the Senior Lobby. This is one super powerful group represented by million's of Senior Citizens whom are hell bent to keep their drivers license with them for the rest of their existence. Florida is not tough enough on motor skills. It takes a touch of athleticism to react in a unpredicted dangerous situation. I have often seen Drivers that can hardly climb into the drivers seat without assistance. How would they be able to swing that leg and push that foot down on the brake pedal in a split second situation? Accidents happen in just a few seconds, being able to react to swiftly could be the difference between life and death. Seniors make up a great part of Florida's population. If any politician even thinks about messing with the Senior Lobby, their Political career is over in Florida.


I really don't believe in the new petition to raise the AGE of eligibility. I believe the more your are doing something, the better you become. Practice makes perfect. If you start driving at the ripe age of 15, you will have accomplished the equizilancy of college degree in driving experience by the time they reach the age of 18, which is the age they want to raise it to. What I see the problem as, parents not educating their children, little alone staying apart of their lives. Separation away from your teen maybe nice sometimes, a little time to relax and or just a little privacy, but to totally ignore and uneducated important issues such as driving safety is just wrong and going on too frequently. Hollywood is raising your children and the glorification of reckless aggressive car related fiction is burnt into the minds of our youth. Guns, sex and FAST CARS!

The current Driving Test is a joke. Some can renew their licenses by mail. The test questions are of basic rules of driving, Not of the most common mistakes made by most drivers. I believe the test should include questions like stopping for school buses and school zone safety. Left lane laws, Traffic signal myths, four way stop sign procedure, safe following distances, turn signal usage and all the most "Recorded" by way of citations issued, use that data to find the most widely broken laws and form the test on that... common misconceptions and most widely violated driving laws.

cell phone drivers

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Revival of Ocala Tube?

The Revival of OcalaTube?
Stay tuned to learn more about the forgotten project. Will it be dusted off and thrown back into the mix?


Ocala Star Banner - Road Rage from Ocala to Youtube

large ani-dark-.02 sec

Road Rage, from Ocala to YouTube
Published: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 6:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 6:29 a.m.

This week I'm reading "Zorro," a novel by Isabel Allende. I already knew, of course, about the legendary masked hero of Spanish California. I had watched the old black-and-white shows on TV as a kid.
Like countless other boys, I would brandish a stick - my imaginary sword - and slash the air with it and scratch Z's on just about anything in the cause of Justice. I'm telling you all this not to recommend the book - which deserves as much - but because I have come across another nameless crusader.
Right here in Ocala, Mr. Speed Limit wages his anonymous campaign. His weapon: the video camera. His town square:
He rides shotgun all around the county videotaping speeders in the rain, bikers zigzagging between cars, drivers racing up the turn lane to beat other cars through an intersection, impatient motorists passing over double yellow lines.
Those are his villains, and he goes out of his way to shame them. He focuses in on their license plates or their faces or the company name on the side of the vehicle.
Mr. Speed Limit has posted about 100 videos on his YouTube account. There are spoofs and gimmicks to liven up his message. He riffs on "The Twilight Zone" with "The Mannerless Zone" - asking why nice people become lawless monsters when they start driving.
His words scroll up the screen: "As soon as people climb into their Automobile, they Transform into a Commando [who] has just received orders to use Extreme Prejudice."
You'll find "Speed Limits for Dummies" and "Turn Signals for Dummies" on his so-called Ocala Florida Drivers Channel. The special effects and the music are cheesy. Mr. Speed Limit is funny - in small doses.
After the first 15 minutes of hoots and chuckles, I grew tired of his monotonous replays - over and over again - exploiting some poor soul's petty lawbreaking. After all, bad driving is something I see every day.
One video hammers home a curious result I often notice in city traffic. Some speeder will zip around me, darting between cars, but he doesn't get ahead. He ends up waiting with me at the next red light.
Mr. Speed Limit seems to be a man obsessed. "My mission is to bring awareness to a massive problem in our small community," he writes on the Web page. "I love my family & friends and don't wish to surrender them to the results of arrogant drivers."
I hoped to discover Mr. Speed Limit's secret identity and sent a message to his MySpace page.
"I made a deal with my family and associates," Mr. Speed Limit wrote back, "the moment I am recognized, I will pull the plug. I have received tons of hate mail and threats."
Like any action that can incite road rage, videotaping bad drivers is risky. In fact, I don't think you should even gesture at the moron who cuts you off in traffic or honk your horn at red light-runners or scold the teenage strangers who toss their trash on the highway.
Safety should be the first rule while driving. It won't further your safety - or the safety of your passengers - to start an argument with a motorist who has already demonstrated irrational tendencies.
Maybe Mr. Speed Limit will catch them on tape. "Don't want to be featured?" he asks at the end of one video. "Don't break the law."
Around here, he might as well be Don Quixote tilting at windmills. Or he could be Zorro in his black mask and cape, spinning astride an angry horse and waving his blade to no effect, in the crazy traffic at 17th and Pine.
Joe Byrnes may be reached at, or (352) 867-4112.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Early Days of Safe Driver Productions

bogus driver safedriverprorocket chick safe driver productionsshe blows safedriverpromannorless zone safedriverpro

The Early Days of Safe Driver Productions.
A short summary of the first productions in those first moments and the list of one of a kind cheezy animations.
A project board that was filled with literally 100's of ideas and barely enough room to add anything else. The horizons were so broad. I had just learned a couple of tricks or so with using some new software I purchased. "Movie making software that is. A whole world has just opened up like a sink hole in the earth.
Only have owned a computer maybe a year before that. A magical world has just been unlocked and ideas went into overload. As a little time went by, I had been incorporating these wild ideas into the driving badly format which is still the main premise today.
It really didn't click with the audiences as much as I thought it would. They were being presented as sarcastic melodramatic spoofs, but the way the audience absorbed it was about 180 degrees opposite of my intents. The majority of the audience commented on how fake they looked or poor effects. Huh? Go figure.
When I discovered chroma key, that's when the over drive kicked in. Suddenly my videos had a little sole in my opinion. PIP inlays were the bomb! Chroma key was the catalyst in the Animation period. Bogus Driver, She Blows, Rocket Chick, where slapped together like a cheeseburger in Disneyland. All of the sudden overlays were dominating the storyboard.
The creations were actually still frames created by using Adobe Photoshop, manipulating still shots from video recordings. Adding the vehicles to color backgrounds to later be keyed out. I think Bogus driver had about 200 still photos. Rocket chick had over 300 blue background stills! Old fashion animation at its best. Oh course they took a little more time than usual but time fly's when you are learning stuff.
I had a bunch of replies on the animation videos not related to forum. I guess it distracted the message enough to suppress any outrage from opposition.

The story board is still full and my mind is still on fire with so many new ideas and thoughts of how to change this, move that. Move on... NEXT!
The Mannerless Zone was a favorite of mine and still is. It still speaks the truth today. I have been a Twilight Zone fan forever. So when I came across the musical score, the rest was natural.
Turn Signals for Dummies was a split second decision and was thought of, recorded and edited, and uploaded to youtube in less than 2 hours! That was a fun project. No script, no nothing. just clowning around.

The Ocala's Worst Drivers Series, this was supposed to be a 10 part semi documentary that was going to be my trademark at the time of conception.
The only problem with these was that I was featured thoughout the series, as the narrator, on camera. I would do cameos and talk to the camera/audience with each episode and basically act as the Host... Mr. Speed Limit.
When this series was conceived, the threats weren't as often. as the threats increased, the series ended with no explanation. I could not very well go on camera anymore because of the increasing amount of hate my videos were producing. Who ya gunna call and Hurry up and wait were my personal favorites. School Days was the final installment. The series made it 5 episodes strong then nothing. Today, these features can only be viewed by friends of safe driver pro and only at the birth channel....

cell phone3 safedriverpro

Cell Phone drivers was a blast to make. I really didn't know much about proper lighting for green screen productions but what the heck? I was still learning. This feature was created behind the wheel of an abandoned automobile we came across, just a few miles from our home. Spreading a green bed sheet over the windows of the car on a sunny day is the perfect back drop for action inside of an automobile. It was actually my best friends kid who was the driver. I randomly gave direction and commands to the actor as he acted to be actually driving the car in the final production. we placed a green pillowcase over he head to hide his identity. The video production came out very poor as far as the graphics are concerned but in my opinion, the message came out strong. Displaying to habits of most American Drivers.

safedriverpro/safedriverspresents.jpg2 safedriverpro/safedriverspresents.jpg4safedriverpro/safedriverspresents.jpg1

The oompa loompa feature was the most fun to create. Rewriting the original song was something that didn't take anytime at all. The project started after watching the classic Gene Wilder Movie with my family one night. Later that night when I was fooling around with the videos, I couldn't get the song out of my head. So after hearing it repeating over and over, bouncing around in my head, I changed a couple of the versus and tada!
Another chezzy overlay video is born. The message was still the same.
As time went by I slowly got away from the animations and started to pursue different interest and exploring other ideas. But never the less, I will never forget that particular learning experience. There is a time and a place for everything. I believe they had their time and place in history.

"The Future of Safe Driver Productions"

privilege driver club still shot safedriverpro

"The Future of Safe Driver Productions"
The future of safe driver productions? Often I wonder as founder of this circus, what will become of all of this that has been created as well as the effect on the local community. If I was asked the question of how long will the show go on, I believe I could not give an answer. But on the other hand, if the question pops up in thoughts when I have time to measure the big picture, possibilities of retirement sound practical.
The pro's and con's, that is the only way I can describe it when trying to put it into words.
The Pro's, I have a chance to work with an endless supply of video feed. Without a doubt, hundreds of hours of all types of driving situations.
All I have to do at any giving time is sit back and dig into a 5000 gigabyte file that is ready and waiting for attention. I could stop recording the general public right now and still have enough material to work with for the next 2 years.
Having such a large amount to work with comes with perks. Such as more time to concentrate on directing and producing. When the cameras roll automatically, hardly any foot work is needed.

That gives me more time to relax and just be creative. More time to experiment with chroma key, pip and other overlays. Which each video I make, I am learning more and more. Becoming more experimental. I hate repeating the same old stuff over and over. That will be the death of this project for sure, when I become bored. I need to feed the urge to learn more.
Most of my work is done late at night before bedtime, I work out of the County most of the time so time is an essence occasionally. If youtube gets in the way of my day job, that's when I go awol for a while. Youtube is a hobby and my job keeps the roof over our heads.

The Con's, wow, there are so many con's that I don't know where to begin. Let me try to...


The Con's, wow, there are so many con's that I don't know where to begin. Let me try to name a short few without getting carried away. Have you ever stopped and looked around you? All the craziness and violence on the news these days. Often I wondered if it was worth doing what I'm doing, posting dangerous people with their "caught red handed" dirty deeds on the web for everyone to see, even those who where there can watch it again & again. They already have demonstrated bad unlawfulness behavior. What's to say they wouldn't take it to the next level. I am very apprehensive to any interviews with the local press in fear of accidental exposure. I'm not exactly living on the edge by any means. I would not be doing this if I wasn't as confident as I am about keeping my identity confidential.
Another bad side is the keeping secrets around some of my co workers at my job. My friends know, that is why they are friends, I can trust them. That's what the true meaning of friendship means.
Most of immediate family knows but out of town relatives are out of the loop. 2 have emailed me late last year and sent me links to the OcalaFlorida channel, telling me I'd get a kick out of it. That was funny.
Another con would be that I would like to land a job one day editing and directing videos. Using these productions as a reference or experience is probably not going to help very much. What if my new boss was the guy featured in "Most Wanted 21"?.... that would be an awkward moment.
Keeping secrets has a lot of cons to say the least.
The Show must go on! And it will until that day comes, when I pull the plug. But at this very moment, I see safedriverpro just as strong as ever. Ready for the long haul... smooth or rough.

8:11 PM


The Bad Drivers Guild

Bad Drivers Guild Topic

The Bad Drivers Guild.
I have had contact with hundreds of different people since I started this youtube thing. And I have picked up on some behavior that I will try to put to words the best I can.
The Subject of Spying Bad Drivers seems to be upsetting allot of people. The mere thought of somebody could be recording their careless actions, is driving some into violent rages. imagine, somebody has been recording drivers for almost 2 years! It's hard to swallow for some.
There are something's you just don't talk about. One of those things is something that what I am willing to do. Challenge the Bad drivers Guild.

There are two sides, law enforcement and citizens.
The Police of course, try to do what they can with the tools, man power and funding that they have. They are spread out and low in numbers. That man power shortage has a trickle effect. The few Men they have are spread out on all types of crimes which naturally creates the priority list for the importance of their concentrations.
After all, if drivers would just do the right thing, the Police would not have to baby-sit at all, and be able to concentrate on other types of crimes.

The other side is the citizen him/herself. The majority of basic society, dislikes law enforcement. Some believe that some police abuse their powers. Most of the comments I see on police videos display hate and discontent for authority. Most of the bad drivers I have viewed, seemed to be inconvienced by being pulled over by the police.. "Don't they have anything better to do that pick on me?", "Stupid Traffic Cops!". It is kinda their jobs and people know what they are doing when they pass several speed limit signs and ignore them all. But, they get upset when they are ticketed.

This is the part they find hard to swallow... I am within the citizen side but I am revealing the dirty secrets of the bad driver citizens of Ocala. Most are really freaking out into a rage. Creating accounts on youtube just with the intention of bullying me and my associates. Threats of violence, property damage and public humiliation are about a weekly accuracy. Why would somebody care enough to bring this important issue to the table in such a manor as bringing the world wide audience right to the horses mouth. They have a hard time trying to swallow it all at once. Have they been caught already?

Some of these people loosing their cool are not just young thugs. Some are middle aged or older and have professional backgrounds.

Take OcalaEyeDoc for example. Here is an established Professional who recently went loco after viewing one of my videos. He lashes out and attacks my character adding insults to other Americans who are on Government assistance programs and expresses his hate for me and what I am doing. I commented back replying that he has broken the rules of our forum and he was banned from any further contact with our program. This really threw him into a rage. Imagine, someone that could be living off government checks and could be recording his driving, has put in the last word and cut the professional doctor out of the loop. The doctor then within seconds during that violent mood swing, deleted his youtube account that I blocked. Before he deleted it, I had a chance to see it and it had a few personal family videos and I guess he was a youtube member for sometime. All that history erased with one click of the mouse. Caused by reaction to the possibility of his road rage had been captured or could at anytime. The time of day would suggest he was still at his practice.

The story doesn't end there. He didn't close his family account to hide his shame, but to go to war. He immediately opened a new account minutes later with a very similar name and came at me again. this time he went for the kill. Telling me I can ban him as many times as I want because he could create more and more. Putting me in my place I suppose, the accused government check moocher.

Wow. A Dr.! An M.D. who has taken an oath to help people, surfaced as a bigot! He closed that account as well. What makes a person snap like that? All over videos of bad drivers. Someone has broken the guild. How dare they.



Another Example...
Another example of The Bad Drivers Guild in an organized form. The Ocala Star Banner hosts a forum which resides within the cyber walls of the World Famous The open blogs and Community Forum threads are an excellent example of organized condoned misbehavior.

A few days ago, my brother emailed me a link to a thread on a's community Forum.
A wonderful supporter posted a topic pertaining to my videos which of course immediately drew my attention.
As I am collecting point of views from MOST of the threads contributors, I noticed a pattern.

A select few are attacking my character, bashing my videos and making a mockery of my intents of exposing thoughtless, careless law breakers. Not one mention about the bad drivers and the problems on Ocala's streets. The subject of Drivers wrecking other peoples lives and millions of Americans die from aggressive/careless driving each year, was over shadowed by a MOB of representatives from the Bad Drivers Guild.
I was now on their turf. No way to win a conversation when you are dealing with sheep on a mass scale.
So I go back quite a couple days and during that time did a little investigation into this organized mob.'s threads participants all share something in common. All have a number placed next to the members name which educates to the public the amount of threads or comments he /she has replied to. And shows all of the responses!
So, I start reading. Thread after thread, reply after reply. A pattern has emerged. The same bullies that attacked me, attack anyone's point of view, on any topic. It's their way or the highway.
Attacking little people's comments, chewing them up like a shark and then spitting them out.
Most of these bullies repeat entry..."Get a Life!" throughout their statements. Which that statement cracks me up since I can see that this guy's number next to his ID photo reads 6 thousand replies. I am outside being active in my community and people with 6,000 blog entries tells me to get a life. Like theirs? How long does it take to comment on 6,000 entries? The Kettle calling the pot black I suppose.
The Bullying associated with that blog is directly in relations with their narrow minded thinking when these hot heads hit our streets. In their eyes, I am the problem. Not them deciding on which laws they feel are ridiculous and refuse to obey. These folks see Aggressive/Careless Drivers as a myth, such as they see Global Warming I suppose. "It's more dangerous for someone to mount cameras in their vehicle and automatically record other motorist than it is to ignore most of the common Traffic Laws". That seems to be the general consensus.
I am ashamed of the's Forum Moderators for letting these cyber thugs lunge at any good citizen which would otherwise enjoy taking advantage of the resources of the site but are being attacked within by a ruthless mob that hides behind a keyboard spewing hate and discontent for anyone who does not share THEIR point of view.
I have decided to stay within the bounds of my forums where I have a better chance of surviving an attack by a bunch of Nazi thugs who's mission is to suppress any outside truth or fact that contradicts their biased disillusioned world that they have created. Divided We Stand.



The Guild is too powerful.
I hear that the town is planning a public lynching. The local paper is full of comments on the community bulletin board with tons of thoroughly disgusted drivers who feel my vehicle that performs automatic recordings of my daily commutes, is more of a problem than the plague of careless drivers we have threatening the welfare of whom ever is sharing the public roadways of Ocala.
I have created an enemies list the size of the phone book. I have pretty much saved every bit of the mail that is sent to me. Most of the comments are directed at my character. Petty threats and conclusions that were obliviously made without reading any of my exerts and video info.

I constantly get... Driving with a camera in my hand is way worse than the actions of my subjects. I have stated in probably 100 places the statement of "I never drive with a camera in my hands, no exceptions". But hardly anyone reads anymore I guess. Most draw their conclusions just seconds after arriving to the youtube channel.

Then we have the ones who see nothing in the context except our vehicle is in the left lane, usually showing us turning left or turning soon. Again, no one sees the video subject speeding or running the red light, they just see us temporarily using the left lane. The Bad Drivers Guild in the Ocala Star Banner's Community Forum, used this smoke screen in almost every attack. How many of these people are doing the very same thing in my videos?

The Guild is very strong, way too strong. Way too powerful. I believe that some people would rather things would stay the same as far as the rules of bad driving and everyone just to look away and turn the blind eye, just mind your own business and I'll drive the way I want and you drive the way you want... period.

"How can we stop this idiot recording us willingly breaking the law?"


counter safedriverpro

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"The video that should have never been..."

Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 3Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 1Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 2Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 4

"The Top 10 Worst Drivers in Ocala Florida"...
"The video that should have never been..."
I really don't know how this one made it to where it is today? It really wasn't planned or pre meditated. Just one of those things that fall into place I suppose.
Just hours before it's completion, I was in the process of stripping older files, mixing and organizing my collection of terrible Ocala drivers. I was burning to rom a ton of material that is just taking up space in my old pc. Everybody knows, the more filled your computer is, the slower it becomes. I try to stay organized but it close to impossible, so I do regular "spring cleanings" when ever possible.

During this clean out, I came across a photo. The photo was of a Community Service Board that is located on south pine ave just outside of the city beautiful. Then a spark fired! What if I take the photo to Adobe Photoshop and play with it. Photoshop is the best pc tool for anyone who has a wondering imagination. I started manipulating and preparing separate copies with a selected color for Chroma Keying. The video was just me having fun with the kids trying to get them sea sick dizzy from the extreme zooming. But after a few minutes, mom says... tweak it and use the idea! HUH? The video was really not what I wanted but the majority spoke and I must answer.
The Title... During the making and completion of the feature, the plan for the title was: WELCOME TO OCALA. After all, the sign tells the story. no text would have to be inserted.
It actually fit the description quite well. BUT, after a discussion during a private viewing between several friends and family members, I changed the title to THE TOP TEN WORST DRIVERS IN OCALA.
The title was changed from a collective thought of "Giving the City of Ocala a black eye". The drivers of Ocala are my subjects, not the city of Ocala. We just happen to live here. If we lived in Baltimore, it would be....
In the end, the video was born. My computer has 200 gigs more operating space and the world wide web has something new to love or hate once again. This is a typical scenario in my video making process. Again, I can't say this enough, this is just a hobby... not a job.
I am just trying to wake up the members that make up our community of automobile operators.
Ocala Florida

visit my youtube channel,visit my youtube channel

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Neighborhood Crime Watch Series

Neighborhood crime watch 4Neighborhood crime watch 2Neighborhood crime watch 1Neighborhood crime watch 3

This was an idea of a close friend of mine. Create a video series in which viewers and fans of safe driving can participate as well as contribute to the productions of safe driver pro. and help us with our goals, to wake up the pack of motorist that are running with the mob.

This is only the beginning of the series and how far it goes of course it totally up to outside interests to help it evolve. So far at the time of this post, one video has been created. sent in by a close subscriber. Another raw video arrived the other day by another subscriber and it is on the drawing board. Waiting for the spark to fire!

If anyone is interested in participating in this series can contact me thru the youtube message system. As far as getting the files to us, it's easy. has a free large file delivery service that I use quite frequently. It's totally free and most of all.... cut and dry easy with no strings attached. Of course you can still remain completely anonymous if desired.

This series is the fourth program that I have created in the last year and a half. Who knows of what is around the corner. I really wish the "OcalaTube" series would of worked out. It was too much effort and difficult to rely on some of the parties that were involved with that particular project. I might revive it in the near future if I can get a little help keeping it afloat. It would be nice to find a visual spokes person-on air personality to do the cameos. the horizons are so wide on that project.
Who knows... a resurrection may take place someday!

cut across big 02sec