Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Florida's Driver's License

Florida's Driver's License.
I couldn't agree more with these 3 Video's point of view. Something needs to be done about the current standards for Florida's Driver's License eligibility.I firmly believe that Florida has somewhat abandoned their Slogan... "Driving is a privilege, not a right." There are allot of Drivers out there that are just plain dangerous.

One example of how Florida is slacking in their responsibilities would be how Florida cowers to the Senior Lobby. This is one super powerful group represented by million's of Senior Citizens whom are hell bent to keep their drivers license with them for the rest of their existence. Florida is not tough enough on motor skills. It takes a touch of athleticism to react in a unpredicted dangerous situation. I have often seen Drivers that can hardly climb into the drivers seat without assistance. How would they be able to swing that leg and push that foot down on the brake pedal in a split second situation? Accidents happen in just a few seconds, being able to react to swiftly could be the difference between life and death. Seniors make up a great part of Florida's population. If any politician even thinks about messing with the Senior Lobby, their Political career is over in Florida.


I really don't believe in the new petition to raise the AGE of eligibility. I believe the more your are doing something, the better you become. Practice makes perfect. If you start driving at the ripe age of 15, you will have accomplished the equizilancy of college degree in driving experience by the time they reach the age of 18, which is the age they want to raise it to. What I see the problem as, parents not educating their children, little alone staying apart of their lives. Separation away from your teen maybe nice sometimes, a little time to relax and or just a little privacy, but to totally ignore and uneducated important issues such as driving safety is just wrong and going on too frequently. Hollywood is raising your children and the glorification of reckless aggressive car related fiction is burnt into the minds of our youth. Guns, sex and FAST CARS!

The current Driving Test is a joke. Some can renew their licenses by mail. The test questions are of basic rules of driving, Not of the most common mistakes made by most drivers. I believe the test should include questions like stopping for school buses and school zone safety. Left lane laws, Traffic signal myths, four way stop sign procedure, safe following distances, turn signal usage and all the most "Recorded" by way of citations issued, use that data to find the most widely broken laws and form the test on that... common misconceptions and most widely violated driving laws.

cell phone drivers

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