Friday, September 5, 2008

The Bad Drivers Guild

Bad Drivers Guild Topic

The Bad Drivers Guild.
I have had contact with hundreds of different people since I started this youtube thing. And I have picked up on some behavior that I will try to put to words the best I can.
The Subject of Spying Bad Drivers seems to be upsetting allot of people. The mere thought of somebody could be recording their careless actions, is driving some into violent rages. imagine, somebody has been recording drivers for almost 2 years! It's hard to swallow for some.
There are something's you just don't talk about. One of those things is something that what I am willing to do. Challenge the Bad drivers Guild.

There are two sides, law enforcement and citizens.
The Police of course, try to do what they can with the tools, man power and funding that they have. They are spread out and low in numbers. That man power shortage has a trickle effect. The few Men they have are spread out on all types of crimes which naturally creates the priority list for the importance of their concentrations.
After all, if drivers would just do the right thing, the Police would not have to baby-sit at all, and be able to concentrate on other types of crimes.

The other side is the citizen him/herself. The majority of basic society, dislikes law enforcement. Some believe that some police abuse their powers. Most of the comments I see on police videos display hate and discontent for authority. Most of the bad drivers I have viewed, seemed to be inconvienced by being pulled over by the police.. "Don't they have anything better to do that pick on me?", "Stupid Traffic Cops!". It is kinda their jobs and people know what they are doing when they pass several speed limit signs and ignore them all. But, they get upset when they are ticketed.

This is the part they find hard to swallow... I am within the citizen side but I am revealing the dirty secrets of the bad driver citizens of Ocala. Most are really freaking out into a rage. Creating accounts on youtube just with the intention of bullying me and my associates. Threats of violence, property damage and public humiliation are about a weekly accuracy. Why would somebody care enough to bring this important issue to the table in such a manor as bringing the world wide audience right to the horses mouth. They have a hard time trying to swallow it all at once. Have they been caught already?

Some of these people loosing their cool are not just young thugs. Some are middle aged or older and have professional backgrounds.

Take OcalaEyeDoc for example. Here is an established Professional who recently went loco after viewing one of my videos. He lashes out and attacks my character adding insults to other Americans who are on Government assistance programs and expresses his hate for me and what I am doing. I commented back replying that he has broken the rules of our forum and he was banned from any further contact with our program. This really threw him into a rage. Imagine, someone that could be living off government checks and could be recording his driving, has put in the last word and cut the professional doctor out of the loop. The doctor then within seconds during that violent mood swing, deleted his youtube account that I blocked. Before he deleted it, I had a chance to see it and it had a few personal family videos and I guess he was a youtube member for sometime. All that history erased with one click of the mouse. Caused by reaction to the possibility of his road rage had been captured or could at anytime. The time of day would suggest he was still at his practice.

The story doesn't end there. He didn't close his family account to hide his shame, but to go to war. He immediately opened a new account minutes later with a very similar name and came at me again. this time he went for the kill. Telling me I can ban him as many times as I want because he could create more and more. Putting me in my place I suppose, the accused government check moocher.

Wow. A Dr.! An M.D. who has taken an oath to help people, surfaced as a bigot! He closed that account as well. What makes a person snap like that? All over videos of bad drivers. Someone has broken the guild. How dare they.



Another Example...
Another example of The Bad Drivers Guild in an organized form. The Ocala Star Banner hosts a forum which resides within the cyber walls of the World Famous The open blogs and Community Forum threads are an excellent example of organized condoned misbehavior.

A few days ago, my brother emailed me a link to a thread on a's community Forum.
A wonderful supporter posted a topic pertaining to my videos which of course immediately drew my attention.
As I am collecting point of views from MOST of the threads contributors, I noticed a pattern.

A select few are attacking my character, bashing my videos and making a mockery of my intents of exposing thoughtless, careless law breakers. Not one mention about the bad drivers and the problems on Ocala's streets. The subject of Drivers wrecking other peoples lives and millions of Americans die from aggressive/careless driving each year, was over shadowed by a MOB of representatives from the Bad Drivers Guild.
I was now on their turf. No way to win a conversation when you are dealing with sheep on a mass scale.
So I go back quite a couple days and during that time did a little investigation into this organized mob.'s threads participants all share something in common. All have a number placed next to the members name which educates to the public the amount of threads or comments he /she has replied to. And shows all of the responses!
So, I start reading. Thread after thread, reply after reply. A pattern has emerged. The same bullies that attacked me, attack anyone's point of view, on any topic. It's their way or the highway.
Attacking little people's comments, chewing them up like a shark and then spitting them out.
Most of these bullies repeat entry..."Get a Life!" throughout their statements. Which that statement cracks me up since I can see that this guy's number next to his ID photo reads 6 thousand replies. I am outside being active in my community and people with 6,000 blog entries tells me to get a life. Like theirs? How long does it take to comment on 6,000 entries? The Kettle calling the pot black I suppose.
The Bullying associated with that blog is directly in relations with their narrow minded thinking when these hot heads hit our streets. In their eyes, I am the problem. Not them deciding on which laws they feel are ridiculous and refuse to obey. These folks see Aggressive/Careless Drivers as a myth, such as they see Global Warming I suppose. "It's more dangerous for someone to mount cameras in their vehicle and automatically record other motorist than it is to ignore most of the common Traffic Laws". That seems to be the general consensus.
I am ashamed of the's Forum Moderators for letting these cyber thugs lunge at any good citizen which would otherwise enjoy taking advantage of the resources of the site but are being attacked within by a ruthless mob that hides behind a keyboard spewing hate and discontent for anyone who does not share THEIR point of view.
I have decided to stay within the bounds of my forums where I have a better chance of surviving an attack by a bunch of Nazi thugs who's mission is to suppress any outside truth or fact that contradicts their biased disillusioned world that they have created. Divided We Stand.



The Guild is too powerful.
I hear that the town is planning a public lynching. The local paper is full of comments on the community bulletin board with tons of thoroughly disgusted drivers who feel my vehicle that performs automatic recordings of my daily commutes, is more of a problem than the plague of careless drivers we have threatening the welfare of whom ever is sharing the public roadways of Ocala.
I have created an enemies list the size of the phone book. I have pretty much saved every bit of the mail that is sent to me. Most of the comments are directed at my character. Petty threats and conclusions that were obliviously made without reading any of my exerts and video info.

I constantly get... Driving with a camera in my hand is way worse than the actions of my subjects. I have stated in probably 100 places the statement of "I never drive with a camera in my hands, no exceptions". But hardly anyone reads anymore I guess. Most draw their conclusions just seconds after arriving to the youtube channel.

Then we have the ones who see nothing in the context except our vehicle is in the left lane, usually showing us turning left or turning soon. Again, no one sees the video subject speeding or running the red light, they just see us temporarily using the left lane. The Bad Drivers Guild in the Ocala Star Banner's Community Forum, used this smoke screen in almost every attack. How many of these people are doing the very same thing in my videos?

The Guild is very strong, way too strong. Way too powerful. I believe that some people would rather things would stay the same as far as the rules of bad driving and everyone just to look away and turn the blind eye, just mind your own business and I'll drive the way I want and you drive the way you want... period.

"How can we stop this idiot recording us willingly breaking the law?"


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