Monday, September 1, 2008


Hang up and drive small

I get a lot of mail! A LOT! For the most part, people are upset and voice strong personal feelings against what I am doing on you tube. It is hard to conceive why anyone would break the "GUILD" Bad Drivers share. The Taboo Subject of Drivers being added to a Scarlet Letter list.
Lots of hate and lots of death threats.
BUT there are some voices emerging from the cracks. The cracks in the walls of conformity to the alliance of the Bad Drivers Guild. Slowly but surely these decent citizens are speaking out, joining together as a small group of individuals that represent a civil society that has been long forgotten in our modern day hustle and Bussel world we now call safer and more convenient.

Here is a short list of some of the Positive Emails I received recently:

  • "I really wanted to say I appreciate what you are doing. I know that you might not change how everyone thinks but if you can get just 1 person to realize their actions and be safer on the road then my friend I feel you have accomplished your goal."

  • "Awesome, good work. Last summer I was broadsided by a young lady who ran a red light 30 seconds after it had turned red for her. Estimates are she was doing 50 MPH. Impact sucked. I was wearing my seat belt but still suffered badly broken facial bones. There is a strong likely hood I will have double vision the rest of my life because of the damage to the orbital socket. Never fear, she got a ticket. The punishment sure did'nt match the crime in my opinion. This occured on 484 west of Belleview. Thank You for your efforts,"

  • "I also live in Florida and I see this kind of driving every day, especially on I4 where its the most deadly. I respect what your doing but are you trying to lessen the problem or just bring attention to it. What do you think can be done to make the roads safer from these drivers I am really interested in road safety having been in many accidents and seen many friends killed and seriously hurt. Thank you for your videos."

visit my youtube channel,visit my youtube channel

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