Friday, September 5, 2008

"The Future of Safe Driver Productions"

privilege driver club still shot safedriverpro

"The Future of Safe Driver Productions"
The future of safe driver productions? Often I wonder as founder of this circus, what will become of all of this that has been created as well as the effect on the local community. If I was asked the question of how long will the show go on, I believe I could not give an answer. But on the other hand, if the question pops up in thoughts when I have time to measure the big picture, possibilities of retirement sound practical.
The pro's and con's, that is the only way I can describe it when trying to put it into words.
The Pro's, I have a chance to work with an endless supply of video feed. Without a doubt, hundreds of hours of all types of driving situations.
All I have to do at any giving time is sit back and dig into a 5000 gigabyte file that is ready and waiting for attention. I could stop recording the general public right now and still have enough material to work with for the next 2 years.
Having such a large amount to work with comes with perks. Such as more time to concentrate on directing and producing. When the cameras roll automatically, hardly any foot work is needed.

That gives me more time to relax and just be creative. More time to experiment with chroma key, pip and other overlays. Which each video I make, I am learning more and more. Becoming more experimental. I hate repeating the same old stuff over and over. That will be the death of this project for sure, when I become bored. I need to feed the urge to learn more.
Most of my work is done late at night before bedtime, I work out of the County most of the time so time is an essence occasionally. If youtube gets in the way of my day job, that's when I go awol for a while. Youtube is a hobby and my job keeps the roof over our heads.

The Con's, wow, there are so many con's that I don't know where to begin. Let me try to...


The Con's, wow, there are so many con's that I don't know where to begin. Let me try to name a short few without getting carried away. Have you ever stopped and looked around you? All the craziness and violence on the news these days. Often I wondered if it was worth doing what I'm doing, posting dangerous people with their "caught red handed" dirty deeds on the web for everyone to see, even those who where there can watch it again & again. They already have demonstrated bad unlawfulness behavior. What's to say they wouldn't take it to the next level. I am very apprehensive to any interviews with the local press in fear of accidental exposure. I'm not exactly living on the edge by any means. I would not be doing this if I wasn't as confident as I am about keeping my identity confidential.
Another bad side is the keeping secrets around some of my co workers at my job. My friends know, that is why they are friends, I can trust them. That's what the true meaning of friendship means.
Most of immediate family knows but out of town relatives are out of the loop. 2 have emailed me late last year and sent me links to the OcalaFlorida channel, telling me I'd get a kick out of it. That was funny.
Another con would be that I would like to land a job one day editing and directing videos. Using these productions as a reference or experience is probably not going to help very much. What if my new boss was the guy featured in "Most Wanted 21"?.... that would be an awkward moment.
Keeping secrets has a lot of cons to say the least.
The Show must go on! And it will until that day comes, when I pull the plug. But at this very moment, I see safedriverpro just as strong as ever. Ready for the long haul... smooth or rough.

8:11 PM


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you continue what your doing. People need to start thinking more about the consequences of their actions more often. Your videos do just that. Please keep em coming! ts belleview fl