Monday, September 1, 2008

who what where when why

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Who What Where When Why
My name is Bill. I live within the city limits of Ocala Fl. with my wife & 2 out of 3 kids still at home. The story is really quite simple. At least how it began...Just about 2 years ago, my family and I was returning from a night at the movies when from nowhere, a small black tuner car shot thru a side street stop sign and almost creamed the passenger side front quarter but missed because I reacted to the threat and jump violently out of his way but only to land us off the road at 55 mph. We started to slide to the right in the wet grass and finally came to a stop inches from a power line pole and a handful of large oak trees. The whole ordeal lasted only seconds. But the effects will last a life time.The driver of the crappy tuner car never stopped. He left us for dead on the side of the road to save his own hide.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Time too do something, but what?
Digging thru our garage one day, I came across a box of stuff from when our off springs were babies. AC/DC Powered baby cams! It only took seconds for the thought of mounting them in the family car and that was accomplished that very weekend. Now I have the tools if some thoughtless thug was going to endanger the lives of my family, I would be able to do something legally to help nail the sucker.
3 or 4 months went by and a lot of good footage was piling up. What to do? Can't really sell it, idiot drivers are a dime a dozen. Anybody can leave their home and within minutes, the tape is full.
Both of my brothers suggested YOUTUBE. I really never fooled with youtube or made any videos before but decided to give it a try. I started playing around with the clips, adding a little imagination here and there and before you knew it.... OcalaFlorida Channel on YouTube was born.
I have zero training in video editing and my work is 100% experimental. I am always trying to create something different, break the mold, raise the bar. If this every starts to become a burden or turns into a chore in stead of a fun time process the whole family can enjoy, the towel will be thrown in. My daughter in college usually sends me the music and the younger kids just like to sit back and watch, learn and tell me some constructive criticism or plug an idea or 2 here and there. Our Christmas special last year, that was all the kids on that project for sure.
What's instored for my videos in the non immediate future?I will keep going till get bored or I am forced to stop.
We have manifested a great list of haters of my presentations, especially here in Ocala/Marion county. I like to refer to them as "The Goons".
A couple of the goons are threatening legal action if I don't pull the plug. Others have sworn to expose me and publicly humiliate me if it is the last thing they do. I say... get a life. I am doing nothing wrong. Those are the same people that read the supermarket tabloids and promote the paparazzi that stalk, hunt down and cause dangerous situations for their subjects as well as making the subjects life a living hell.
But if I record these tabloid patrons driving badly, it is a double standard that the goons represent.
I try to keep the language in my forums clean because I respect the individuals out there that had the parents that took the time to teach manors to their children. A very unused skill in today's society. No swearing! Not everybody appreciates foul smut talk and I do not want to alienate potential viewers that would other wise read the trash and leave thinking I represent that kind of behavior.

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