Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Broad Shoulders


"Broad Shoulders"
You have to have Broad Shoulders I suppose when you subject yourself to public scrutiny on a volunteer basis.
This thread is just a ramble on current observations relating to my operations. There are some really bent out of shape people out there that are willing to condemn logic and fact, stand up straight and let their personal feelings exercise their right to express verbal disappointment with childish sticks and stones name calling games instead of weighing the presented case right in front of them, staring them right in the eye like a cobra would just before a kill. 90% of viewers are disappointed at my actions, not the video subjects.

How could the majority of the viewer population be magnetically drawn to be offended so much?
My latest little production was published today, a short composition of video featuring a "Wild Wild West" stretch of road on southwest 27th avenue Shady Road.

I slapped together the video in a couple hours and inserted a little plug at's public forums. Just like fishing for bream with a bread ball, the hate comments started. I am concidedered to be some what of a moron. A moron that drives around in the left lane 10 miles per hour under the speed limit, just to piss people off. Not one mentioned so far as to the problem or the drivers that are causing countless deaths in our country. The REAL PROBLEM is me.

Here is a copy of my submission to

"Something needs to be done about the A-Line, the small stretch of road on sw 27th ave Ocala between sw 34th st. and sw 42nd street ,
shady road's... "Paddock Park Expressway".
I drive thru this area quite often and seldom see any law enforcement witnessing the handful of Hooligans whom refuse to respect the safety of those sharing the road nor the laws that are designed to protect us.

S.W. 27th ave bottlenecks at S.W. 42nd st, so most drivers merge over and occupy the left lane
in anticipation of the traffic pattern change up ahead.
Stay in the right lane too long and you can get stuck there at certain times of the day. So the left lane fills up and then the action begins!

Drivers with little or no patience and a lead foot, selfishly charge up the right lane, passing as many cars as they can as if it were a contest, then bully their way into the left lane, cutting off the good drivers with inches to spare. Some run thru the light, ignoring the "Right Turn Only" signs and lines, blasting thru only to get stuck in traffic.

I have miles of video footage of these hooligans running with the mob, behaving like stark raving animals behind the wheel, operating their 4000 pound piles of steel and plastic assault weapons, right up the rear end of some poor souls family car full of children. These hooligans care about nothing but themselves. Their selfish acts are accomplishing nothing but endangering the welfare of all whom share this stretch of road. All for what? To be first in line. My families life if more important than some idiot's 2 minutes he saved.

If you are tired of these bullies taking over the roadways of Ocala, I urge you to contact our Police Department and report these renegade thoughtless motorists that are plaguing our beautiful County, and of course Ocala, The All America City... or is it... The Get out of "My Way
" City?"

I do indeed have Broad shoulders. If anything, this is a total learning experience. I have learned that most of the population appears to be selfish in choosing privacy over safety.

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