Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"The video that should have never been..."

Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 3Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 1Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 2Top 10 Worst Drivers of Ocala Florida 4

"The Top 10 Worst Drivers in Ocala Florida"...
"The video that should have never been..."
I really don't know how this one made it to where it is today? It really wasn't planned or pre meditated. Just one of those things that fall into place I suppose.
Just hours before it's completion, I was in the process of stripping older files, mixing and organizing my collection of terrible Ocala drivers. I was burning to rom a ton of material that is just taking up space in my old pc. Everybody knows, the more filled your computer is, the slower it becomes. I try to stay organized but it close to impossible, so I do regular "spring cleanings" when ever possible.

During this clean out, I came across a photo. The photo was of a Community Service Board that is located on south pine ave just outside of the city beautiful. Then a spark fired! What if I take the photo to Adobe Photoshop and play with it. Photoshop is the best pc tool for anyone who has a wondering imagination. I started manipulating and preparing separate copies with a selected color for Chroma Keying. The video was just me having fun with the kids trying to get them sea sick dizzy from the extreme zooming. But after a few minutes, mom says... tweak it and use the idea! HUH? The video was really not what I wanted but the majority spoke and I must answer.
The Title... During the making and completion of the feature, the plan for the title was: WELCOME TO OCALA. After all, the sign tells the story. no text would have to be inserted.
It actually fit the description quite well. BUT, after a discussion during a private viewing between several friends and family members, I changed the title to THE TOP TEN WORST DRIVERS IN OCALA.
The title was changed from a collective thought of "Giving the City of Ocala a black eye". The drivers of Ocala are my subjects, not the city of Ocala. We just happen to live here. If we lived in Baltimore, it would be....
In the end, the video was born. My computer has 200 gigs more operating space and the world wide web has something new to love or hate once again. This is a typical scenario in my video making process. Again, I can't say this enough, this is just a hobby... not a job.
I am just trying to wake up the members that make up our community of automobile operators.
Ocala Florida

visit my youtube channel,visit my youtube channel

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