Wednesday, October 1, 2008


October 16th 2008.
Here she blows kids!
This conclusion arrived after long thought driven by deep personal feelings regarding present situations related toward oppositions. Obstacles not easily avoidable as one might think.
Before I make any more enemies, may I first say?... Thank you to all of my supporters. The one's whom have been there from day one, to the semi and most recent. Positive support was once the back bone of my drive, my quest in obtaining public awareness to a major social dilemma as far as driving their 4000 pound manufactured pile of steel on wheels is concerned.

Some of you may have already noticed, Comments are history. I am slowly deleting all forms of outside communications and planning a total underground operation. All forms of public feedback have turned into a dreaded feedback nightmare, robbing me of any kind of incentive to carry on with this half ass mission. People would rather have the right to be able to kill themselves and or their loved ones and total strangers than admit that their bad habits are reckless, and only to ignore that fact long enough to place their pointed finger at me the "Bad Guy".

All new presentations will be restricted from comments. I have been accused too many times for weeding out negative feedback as well as my associates being out of the loop of the vast amount of hate mail I receive. As well of the vulgar but not published hate comments on every video I upload.

I will now be adjusting my settings to friends contact only. Strangers will no longer be able to contact me. Zero negative contact should demolish any second thoughts towards future productions.

To even the playing field, I will be slowly deleting standing comments for future audiences will not form any opinion on behalf of few being published and others not.

The World is full of cry babies. My best defense is to ignore it all and shoot towards my goals.... without counter creative influences.
My mission will still remain of course. With the slight exception of public published response.
I will still reply to my friends and perhaps to some within private emailing. But the end of the HATE is here. The hell with the haters. May their nasty mal-parental positive influenced upbringing land them the fait waiting just around the corner. I only feel sorry for the innocent family included within the consequences of their selfish petty actions.
October 21st Two Thousand Eight.
Contrary to popular belief,

road rage safedriverpro

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