Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rejected from Youtube


Oddly enough that this quickly manufactured presentation

would turn into a major pain in the neck.

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The saga continues but not without argument. This little production is a response in a sort to some recent opposition. A small group is claiming to have found out my identity and are planning to create a video exposing me, in all my glory. As humbling as that may sound, I am not really a bit concerned in anyway at this point. If in fact, so be it. Bring it on. I have been dealing with petty threats for some time and this is only another grain of salt to me.

This video is a bit of scattered thoughts a long with a couple of cubes of sarcasm. For one, displaying my discontent for mass negative feedback. Replacing the permission to place individual comments with only a small icon overlay of the general public's opinion with the brat kid pissing on SDP. Why beat around the bush. Give them want they want I suppose.


Version number 2 of SDP T.V. was rejected from Youtube because of copyright infringement on the main audio track. Which was a total shocker to me. Tons of videos of that particular Manson song are all over Youtube. This has caused the sound track to be changed to be able to upload it to safedriverpro on Youtube. I change the Marilyn Manson song... "Disposable Teens" to "A-of When" by Living Colour. The video was synchronized to the first song so there are a couple awkward moments in my opinion, at certain points during the presentation.
I am for now displaying for a short period, the banned video here on my blog, along with the new edited version. So you can decide which one you prefer. You can tell me which one you prefer by answering the poll located on the right side of this blog.

Here is the REJECTED VERSION of SDP T.V. Video Magazine which was rejected from Youtube on October 25th 2008.

Here is the edited version...

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