Sunday, November 23, 2008

See "Spoof City".

A new direction. A new begining,
for Safe Driver Productions.
In the next few weeks, I will be branching out.
Breaking the mold and creating material unlike anything
seen so far. Time to make so many more changes without that negitive oposition, more concentration in the editing room has been present.

Tales From The Tailpipe,
Bad Drivers Are About A Dime A Dozen,

came along in a branch of ideas related with television style story lining. I have become bored with the channels direction and was ready for change.
Three videos have been produced recently with a new experimental format. I have a couple more similar videos airing soon enough to be able to maybe choose which video could become the next Youtube Series. Maybe even let the public decide which video could be put into production. Combinations, subtractions. That is what the drawing board is all about. Who knows where or what direction of tomorrows style videos are going but I know how and where they came from.

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