Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Neighborhood Crime Watch Series

Neighborhood crime watch 4Neighborhood crime watch 2Neighborhood crime watch 1Neighborhood crime watch 3

This was an idea of a close friend of mine. Create a video series in which viewers and fans of safe driving can participate as well as contribute to the productions of safe driver pro. and help us with our goals, to wake up the pack of motorist that are running with the mob.

This is only the beginning of the series and how far it goes of course it totally up to outside interests to help it evolve. So far at the time of this post, one video has been created. sent in by a close subscriber. Another raw video arrived the other day by another subscriber and it is on the drawing board. Waiting for the spark to fire!

If anyone is interested in participating in this series can contact me thru the youtube message system. As far as getting the files to us, it's easy.
http://www.yousendit.com/ has a free large file delivery service that I use quite frequently. It's totally free and most of all.... cut and dry easy with no strings attached. Of course you can still remain completely anonymous if desired.

This series is the fourth program that I have created in the last year and a half. Who knows of what is around the corner. I really wish the "OcalaTube" series would of worked out. It was too much effort and difficult to rely on some of the parties that were involved with that particular project. I might revive it in the near future if I can get a little help keeping it afloat. It would be nice to find a visual spokes person-on air personality to do the cameos. the horizons are so wide on that project.
Who knows... a resurrection may take place someday!





cut across big 02sec

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are doing a great job. keep it and god bless