Monday, September 1, 2008

Ocala's Most Wanted Bad Drivers Series.

The Ocala Most Wanted Series.

This is a series that sprung up over night with little thought or planning. I don't really have any plans to complete the series or publish an amount of videos that will be added. I will keep this one going untill something replaces it's value.

There are a lot of thought less motorist in Ocala, so I don't see this series getting the axe anytime soon. If anything, it might become a monster. Time will tell. Right now it is my number one rated series that safedriverpro has to offer.

I have been told that their is a difference in the productions when comparing the first with the recent. "my videos are morphing into something different and unexpected with each addition to the series" , quote from one of my long time subscribers.

Additions to this playlist usually come once a week, greater or less.

Thanks to all of my supporters and I wish you all good health!


Ocala Florida

GREAT NEWS!!! I have some surprises in stored for this project coming up real soon. New twists and format reconfigurations. time to metamorphous once again. Stay tuned to this series and tell me if The change is for the worse or...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife and I appreciate what you are doing. Especially this particular series. They started out pretty simple and have grown into art form. We find ourselves constantly checking your channel to see who the bad driver may be and what you have created nost of all. Some of the drivers in our neighborhood should be in your videos!
Thanks Alot for your efforts!
M&M x
Ocala Residents.