Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is a Little Story about the Little Series:

I will update this very soon.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Video: Christmas 2007'... by SDP

I have over 15 videos on the drawing board, 7 started on production, 3 near completion and 1 ready for uploading to Youtube, but AT THE MOMMENT, no real plans for a Christmas Special.

If any of my followers have any suggestions for a Theme for this Year's Video, please mail me.

I would like to share some ideas with some others that share the Christmas Spirit and are fed up with selfish Drivers. What would this year's Video be like or will there be one at all?

We will find out soon enough. Come on feed back!


YouTube goes WIDE SCREEN.

What Does this mean and how will it effect the future of SDP?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Another Blast from the Past!

From time to time I am going to post a classic video from the early days. This particular video was one of the most fun to create. I Winged the entire clip. Produced it in about 2 hours. Made up the song as I went with it. I used Adobe PhotoShop for most of the crude animations. Recorded the voice track seperately but at the same time. A really fun learning experience. This video is full of typo's. I really was putting out videos left and right and really didn't take the time to review and police my grammer. Those were some really fun times though.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Whats New and Improved for 2009...

Ocala's Most Wanted Bad Drivers Face Lift:

All in all, "The Wanted Series" has earned it's stay of execution. After being on the hit list for the last couple of months, a last second decision actually kept this show afloat.
I started getting a bunch of E-mails now that Video Text Comments are no longer permitted on Youtube. A great portion of this messages are from fans of SDP & The Ocala's Most Wanted Bad Driver Series. I never knew that so many people religiously watch the series waiting to find one of their friends or collages in the latest feature.
Most of the Text Comments I received were hate and childish name calling slurs, maybe that's why there were so little positive comments being left because of fear that these thugs would follow the positive comments back to the contributors page.

The Mission of the Series is still the same... point out and expose the Vehicular Thugs whom are pillaging or City's Streets. The Series is more or less going to be displayed in the current styles my latest creations have evolved to. Each video I make is still uniquely different and the differences are suttle when comparing them to last month, but from the first days.
As time goes on, I promise you, Things will get very interesting. Stick around and Grow with me and SDP.